We currently have one dispatch position available.
Dispatcher are on a weekly schedule and will receive over time pay after 40 hours
Full Time
Employee Benefits
Work Schedule: Overtime worked by an employee is paid at time and one-half, but only after you have worked your regular schedule hours for the pay period. Some employees are paid overtime after 40 hours others are paid overtime after 80 hours. If you are an employee that receives overtime on the 80-hour schedule, hours worked over from 80 to 86 hours will receive straight pay. Hours exceeding the 86 marks will be calculated at time and one-half.
Step Pay: Sheriff Employees receive a step raise on years 2, 5, 8, 11, 13, 15, & 18 years of employment. These steps are separate from any cost of living increase given by County Commission.
Longevity Pay:$100.00-$2,000.00 (A full time employee will receive $100.00 longevity pay for each year of consecutive employment after their hire date yearly anniversary). 20-year max. Some exemptions will apply.
Merit Based Raises: Merit raises given to the employees that take the extra step and initiative to exceed job standards on a regular basis. Upon Approval.
Lateral Entry Pay: 5 years TCI or POST experience $600.00 added to respected position salary.
10 years TCI or POST experience $1200.00 added to respected position salary.
Holiday Pay: County observed holidays are currently 14 days per calendar year. You will receive an additional 8 hours pay on Holidays or receive the day off with pay.
Vacation Time: Full-time employees, Receive the following vacation time off with indicated years of service.
0-3 years, 80 Hours
4-7 years, 96 Hours
8-11 years, 120 Hours
12-15 years, 144 Hours
16-19 years, 168 Hours
20-23 years, 184 Hours
24 + years, 200 Hours
Sick Time: Sick time is in the amount of nine-six (96) hours annually and is earned at the rate of eight (8) hours per month. In the event of retirement, accumulated sick time may be credited towards retirement provided this permitted under the rules and regulations of the Tennessee Consolidated Retirement System. Otherwise, all unused sick leave shall be forfeited.
Personal Time: Twenty four (24) hours personal time is given to each employee in a calendar year for personal use. This may be taken at any time during the calendar year w/ the approval of the immediate supervisor. This time cannot be carried over to the next calendar year. Employees that do not use it w/in the calendar year will lose the time.
Educational Incentive: Those employees who have obtained college degrees shall be eligible for Educational Incentive salary supplement. Employees with Associate’s Degree - $ 600.00 Annual Supplement, Bachelor’s Degree - $ 1200.00, and Master’s Degree - $ 1800.00 Annual Supplement.
Uniforms: All Officers are provided uniforms and duty gear.
Disability: All Full-time Sheriff’s Department employees are eligible for short term and long-term disability.
Probationary Period: All new employees are on probation for six months. After six months, the employee becomes a permanent employee covered by the Civil Service rules and regulations.